Six Weeks


I’m psyched Mahea said yes to being interviewed! She is planning on taking a leave with her TDI  (Temporary DISABILITY Insurance) soon and will be out for six weeks, so I’m glad we’ll carve out some time to chat before she takes her disability leave. Mahea’s disability is she’s PREGNANT! In some ways #luckwelivehawaii because not every state requires employers to provide 6 weeks of Family Medical Leave when she will receive 58% of her massive income. On the other hand, lucky you live Japan, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Bosnia, Ukraine, Croatia, Romania, Portugal, etc. etc. etc. where much more than six weeks is provided. I’m looking forward to chatting with her about what it’s like to be a pregnant server and her life and ideas beyond her current status as pregr server.

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