Mahealani means full moon

Mahealani means full moon and it looks like she’s carrying one!

What’s le story behind your name?

Mahealani means full moon.

This seems apt for Mahea, now. Her pregnant body and fair complexion have a luminous quality.

Is Mahea a family name, like are you named after someone?

No, my parents just chose it because they liked it. But it turns out that I was born on the full moon. Sounds to me like her parents were catching some seriously mana magic when they chose Mahea’s name.

 Where you grad?

I grew up in Washington State. Puyallup High School  & Windward Community College.

Oh yeah? I lived in Seattle for a while. Where did you grow up?


No way! I love Tacoma!  Have you been to Frisko Freeze and Bob’s Java Jive and Harbor Lights?

I definitely went to Frisko Freeze after school. The shakes and fries!

How long have you lived in Hawaii?

Six years. My Mom is from Hawaii and Dad is from Washington. Growing up I would come to visit my family and cousins and everyone would get together and I would be so sad to leave.

Did you feel like you stuck out in Washington or were different because you’re hapa?

No, not really. The only thing that felt different is that I would go to the halau to dance on Saturdays and all of the other girls at school were playing soccer or softball and doing regular things.

What’s the story behind your tattoo?

I was in dance, both ballet, and hula, from the time I was five years old through high school. So it’s a part of me.

Current position?

Server at Gordon Biersch about to take disability leave

What was your previous job?

One of my restaurant jobs was at Tiki’s back in my single days. It was fun, a little too much fun.

Favorite Restaurant that you never worked at.   

Sarento’s at the top of The Ilikai

What do you like to do when your feet hurt?


What do you wish customers knew?

I wish customers knew how much goes on behind the scenes to make a lunch or dinner happen. And I wish people understood that kindness goes a long way. I like the customers who are friendly and make me laugh. 

What was one of your best or most surprising experiences as a server?

Well…it was a Saturday night and a 10-top table kept growing and growing as people were drinking and hanging until it became like a 30-top. Near the end of the evening, everyone wanted separate checks and some guys took off without paying their tab. But then some people at the table who were also servers paid off the tabs and gave me extra tip money. So, it ended up being a good night after all.

I find this kind of story to be so true. Servers are the best customers.

Most embarrassing moment?

Let me set up Mahea’s answer a little. Gordon Biersch is a massive waterfront restaurant. It has two bars, an inside bar and an outside bar. It has two separate dining areas associated with each bar. The outside cocktail bar area also has a legit stage and sound system.

Bands perform on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. The Saturday night band – Funkshun plays ’80s covers – awesome renditions of bands like Aerosmith and Journey and Bon Jovi. Things get a little rowdy. There are always folks, who, a few drinks in relive their glory days. They can’t help but get up and dance! – to Paradise City -where the grass is green and the girls are pretty!

The size and L shaped layout of Gordon Biersch make it possible for someone to be at the restaurant without you even knowing they are there. But then maybe, if you’re a server, in the span of running around you might eventually discover that someone you know reliving their glory days. Cuttin’ a rug. Dancing at your workplace. This was the case for Mahea.

Mahea was serving. Running to the bar to pick up beer and sodas. Running to the kitchen to pick up food. Running to tables to refill drinks. She had some tables near the cocktail section. And there she looks up. And nuh-uh. No way. Who is there dancing to the ’80s reliving his glory days? Her father.

Dad! So embarrassing!

Which leads us to Mahea’s future as a parent.

What’s it like to be a server who is also pregnant?

Well, I’m lucky. I’ve had an easy pregnancy. My baby is healthy. I’m healthy. I’m lucky. Waiting tables is a very physical job. People don’t always realize that. And it’s hard to not work at the pace I am used to.

Some servers, when they have a moment between tables, will sit still. One guy, who no longer works at GB, used to stand under the TVs and watch the game. Mahea is NOT that kind of server. She’s always working. If there’s time between customers, she’s polishing dishes or rolling silverware. She’s not the stand around kind of person.

It’s hard to not work at the pace I’m used to, but six weeks off of work isn’t very much time with our baby. So, I’m trying to hang on to my last day of work until I start my disability for as long as possible.

I know you’re wondering…Mahea’s partner, Josh, has a good day job. And they have the classic restaurant-work and Monday – Friday work life situation. They don’t see each other awake often enough, but they try to have at least one day a week together. And if you live in Hawaii you know, things are expensive. So, most of the time, everyone’s got to work to their limit. So, Mahea as she carries dishes and pitchers of iced tea, is also carrying around their baby.  

What’s it like to be in the public eye while you’re pregnant?

Sometimes people don’t notice.

Mahea is thin but her belly is big!

But most of the time customers are nicer. They want to talk about my pregnancy. They ask the same questions like – How far along are you? Is it a boy or a girl?

Don’t know.

Sometimes people ask weird questions. Like this one guy asked if I was happy about being pregnant and said he wished his girlfriend were pregnant. Okay, guy, weird. And TMI. Generally, though people are nice and I enjoy talking about being pregnant.

Mahea’s tattoo is a ballet dancer. Dancing is a part of her. I’m willing to bet. Some day sooner than she expects. She and Josh will be dancing and their kid will look up at them and think. You guys are so embarrassing. Ahh. The circle of life.

Good luck and congratulations Mahealani and Josh!



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